Monday, November 5, 2012

Street Fashion

       Street Fashion is what we see everywhere. It is what we see when we walk out of your doors every morning, what we see walking to class, what we see wherever we turn. Street fashion is a term used to describe fashion that is considered to have emerged not from studios, but from grassroots. Street fashion is generally associated with youth culture, and is most often seen in major urban centres. It is the most interesting fashion of all, you can see many different styles and concepts in street fashion and get inspired so easily. 
       When walking down the street and seeing so many races, and different ages and people wearing different trends and clothing it is so interesting and youthful to watch. Street fashion is derived from what we get off eachother, what we learn, what we see around us, and thats what makes it so unique and easy to follow. Most street fashions you cant buy in the stores and thats what makes it so much fun. Street fashion sustained multiple highly diverse fashion movements at any given time.

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